“Size Zero,” a 2015 Indian romantic comedy film directed by Prakash Kovelamudi, revolves around Soundarya, affectionately known as Sweety, an independent woman who is confident despite being overweight. She unexpectedly falls for Abhishek, a former potential suitor turned friend, only to discover his affection for another woman, Simran. Heartbroken, Sweety attributes her weight as the barrier to love and joins a weight loss clinic, Size Zero, to address her self-perceived issue.
While at the clinic, her friend Jyothi suffers severe health issues due to the side effects of the weight loss drugs provided. This incident prompts Sweety to launch a crusade against the clinic, eventually gaining support from Abhi and Simran. As she challenges the unethical practices of the clinic, Abhi begins to develop feelings for Sweety. The film focuses on Sweety’s journey, her fight against the clinic’s malpractices, and her eventual triumph, culminating in her efforts to reclaim her ‘Prince Charming’ and find love.
The storyline follows Sweety’s transformation from initially attributing her weight as a hurdle in her love life to her realization that self-acceptance is crucial. Through her campaign against the weight loss clinic, she not only fights for justice but also garners Abhi’s growing admiration, ultimately winning back his affection and discovering the significance of self-love and confidence beyond appearances.
Director | Prakash Kovelamudi |
Story | Kanika Dhillon |
Screenplay | Prakash Kovelamudi |
Dialogues | Kanika Dhillon |
Cinematography | Nirav Shah |
Editor | Prawin Pudi |
Music | M. M. Keeravani |
Producer | Potluri Vara Prasad |
Cast | Arya Anushka ShettySonal Chauhan Prakash RajPavani Gangi Reddy Urvashi Adivi SeshBrahmanandamAliGollapudi Maruti RaoRao RameshTanikella BharaniPosani Krishna Murali Master BharathHemaSivannarayana NariPeddiHarsha ChemuduAngela KrislinzkiBobby SimhaHansika MotwaniJiivaKajal AggarwalManchu LakshmiNagarjunaRaju SundaramRana DaggubatiRevathiSri DivyaTamannaah Bhatia |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | PVP Cinema |
Budget | ₹25 crores |
Box Office | ₹80 crores |
OTT Platform | Zee5 |