“Tuntari,” a 2016 Telugu film, blends sports action with lighthearted humor under the direction of Kumar Nagendra. Led by Nara Rohit and Latha Hegde in dynamic lead roles, the film reimagines the Tamil hit “Maan Karate” for a new audience. Buckle up for a fun-filled ride where comedy punches land as powerfully as kicks and jabs!
Five IT pros seeking escape venture into a nearby forest. There, they encounter a cryptic sage who, to their disbelief, conjures a future newspaper.
It details the reopening of their defunct company and a boxing triumph by one Raju, promising riches for them all.
This prophecy ignites a spark of hope amidst their professional limbo. Elated but skeptical, they embark on a quest to find Raju, a carefree wanderer in Vizag far removed from the realm of boxing rings.
Now, the unlikely group faces a daunting task: convincing Raju to embrace destiny and unleash his hidden potential, a journey fraught with doubts, clashing personalities, and the intoxicating lure of a brighter tomorrow.
Director | Kumar Nagendra |
Story | A.R. Murugadoss |
Screenplay | Kumar Nagendra |
Dialogues | Kumar Nagendra |
Cinematography | M.R. Palanikumar |
Editor | Madhu |
Music | Sai Karthik |
Producer | Ashok Nagarjuna |
Cast | Nara Rohit Kabir Duhan SinghPoojita PonnadaPoojita PonnadaVennela KishoreSanjay ReddyAliShakalaka ShankarRaghu KarumanchiSanjay Swaroop, Latha Hegde, |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | Sri Keerthi Films |
OTT Platform | ETV Win |