TheatreIndian animated picture Hanuman, which debuted in 2005, was produced by Shailendra Singh at Percept Picture Company and Silvertoons and directed by V. G. Samant. The biography of the Hindu deity Hanuman, the film’s title character, is dramatized.
Silvertoons produced the animation. Although Pentamedia Graphics produced several earlier full-length entirely animated feature films, this is the first one from India to be released in theaters. The movie made animation more widely known and gave the Indian animation industry a boost.
Hanuman’s life is shown in this animated film from the beginning. The actor Mukesh Khanna is the narrator. The film tells the story of Hanuman’s birth to Anjani, a female Apsara, and Kesari with the help of the Wind God Vayu-Dev.
The eleventh Rudra incarnation of Shiva, Hanuman, was endowed with extraordinary wisdom, physical prowess, and supernatural abilities. When Hanuman was a baby he was quite mischievous and would use his powers to torment the saints who lived in the adjacent jungle.
He once jumped to catch the sun, mistaking it for a fruit, because he was hungry. At Vayu’s request, Indra and the other Gods united to grant Hanuman eternal life. Among Hanuman’s benefits are: he will never fear or be harmed by the Brahmastra; he will also never be harmed by fire, water, or weapons.
He had the power to defeat death and change his body to assume the largest or smallest shape possible. Growing up with supernatural abilities, Hanuman was a formidable figure. He aided Laxman and Lord Ram in their quest to find Sita.
In addition to using his superpowers to help Lord Ram and Laxman fight Ravana and win Sita’s liberation, Hanuman destroyed the Golden City of Lanka. Hanuman was bestowed with immortality by Lord Ram, who saw his love and devotion to him.
Director | V. G. Samant |
Story | Sulekha BajpaiShantanu Ganesh Rode , Milind Ukey |
Screenplay | V. G. Samant |
Dialogues | Shantanu Ganesh RodeSulekha Bajpai , Milind Ukey |
Cinematography | NA |
Editor | Huzefa Lokhandwala |
Music | Tapas Relia |
Producer | Silvertoons, Percept Picture Company, Sahara One Motion Pictures |
Cast | Mukesh KhannaChiranjeeviAntara BiswasShahnawaz PradhanManish WadhwaAnup ShuklaManoj Pandey Mona Ghosh Shetty, Viraj Adhav, Sumit Pathak, Rajesh Jolly, Sawanket Jaisl, Tirthankar Mitra |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | Silvertoons, Percept Picture Company |
Budget | 3.25 Crores |
Box Office | 7.57 crores |
OTT Platform | NA |