Indian film producer Amul Vikas Mohan has primarily worked in Bollywood. Amul Vikas was the creative producer of Ek Villain (2014) and the previous film to be released in theaters was Behen Hogi Teri in 2017. Additionally, he is the editor of Super Cinema, which was established in 1999 and is also referred to as the entertainment industry’s business publication.
Name | Amul Vikas Mohan |
Also Known as | Amul Vikas Mohan |
Date of Birth | 01/01/1994 |
Current Residence | Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Religion | Hindu |
Nationality | Indian |
Height | 175 CM |
Father | Vikas Mohan |
Sibling | Anshul Mohan |
Spouse | Pallavi Mohan |
Educational Qualification | Graduated |
Debut Movies | |
Language | Movie Name |
Awards List | ||||
Year | Award | Category | Movie Name |