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Theatre“Katha Venuka Katha” is a Telugu-language thriller film released in 2023 and directed by Krishna Chaitanya. It is produced by Dandamudi Avanindra Kumar under Dandamudi Box Office. The film features Viswant Duddumpudi, Srijitha Ghosh, Sunil, and Jayaprakash in lead roles, with Dhanraj, Banerjee, Satyam Rajesh, Madhunandan, and Raghu Babu in supporting roles. The movie premiered on May 12, 2023.
Ashwin aspires to be a director and pitches his story to a producer. They start filming the movie, but unexpectedly, all five actors from the film disappear. Will Ashwin be able to locate them in time, or will he face dire consequences.
Director | Krishna Chaitanya |
Story | Krishna Chaitanya |
Screenplay | Krishna Chaitanya |
Dialogues | Krishna Chaitanya |
Cinematography | |
Music | |
Producer | Dandamudi Avanindra Kumar |
Cast | Viswant duddumpudi SunilJayaprakashDhanraj BanerjeeAli MohammedRaghu BabuSatyam RajeshMadhunandanKhayyumChatrapathi Sekhar, Srijitha Ghoush, Subha Sri |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | Dandamudi Box Office |
OTT Platform | NA |