“Gaami,” a 2024 Indian Telugu-language epic adventure drama film, follows the journey of Vishwak Sen portraying an Aghora, a wounded hero, embarking on a mystical adventure deep into the Himalayas in search of a cure for his touch starvation. Directed by debutant Vidyadhar Kagita, who collaborated on the screenplay with Pratyush Vatyam, the film initially commenced with a crowd-funding campaign. Produced by Karthik Sabareesh under Karthik Kult Kreations and presented by V Celluloid, a subsidiary of UV creations, “Gaami” premiered on 8 March 2024.
Gaami follows the adventurous expedition of Shankar, a wounded and reclusive Aghora, as he embarks on a quest to locate the elusive Maali leaves. These leaves hold the remedy for his rare condition known as touch starvation, rendering him unable to experience human touch. The leaves, which bloom only once every 36 years on the remote Dronagiri mountain in the Himalayas, must be found within a specified timeframe. Failure to do so would mean waiting another 36 years for another opportunity. Along the way, Shankar’s journey intertwines with two other individuals: a Devadasi from Andhra Pradesh and a scientist engaged in clinical trials to combat a disease.
Director | Vidyadhar Kagita |
Story | Vidyadhar Kagita |
Screenplay | Vidyadhar Kagita |
Dialogues | Vidyadhar Kagita |
Cinematography | Vishwanath Reddy |
Editor | Raghavendra Thirun |
Music | Naresh Kumaran |
Producer | Karthik Sabareesh |
Cast | Vishwak Sen Chandini Chowdary Mohammad SamadDayanand ReddyMayank ParakhAbhinayaRamya Pasupileti |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | V Celluloid, VR Global Media, Clown Pictures |
OTT Platform | NA |