Sushmita Sen’s new web series ‘Tali’ is being streamed. This web series can be seen on the OTT platform Jio Cinema. In this series based on the biography of famous eunuch Gauri Sawant, there was a lot of discussion about Sushmita Sen’s character for a long time. Let’s know how is this series!
Story: Taali, a web series starring Sushmita Sen, is based on transgender Gauri Sawant. Who fights for the interests of Kinnar. This web series shows the biography of Gauri Sawant, a social activist who fought from street to court so that eunuchs get their rights and they are recognized as the third gender in the country.
The story of the series revolves around a character named Ganesh who realizes that he has a boy’s body but a girl inside. Because she likes to wear a scarf and lipstick. But his father starts having trouble with all this. Then one day his mother dies, then the story moves forward. As the story progresses Ganesh becomes Gauri. Then to know what happens next, have to watch Taali on Jio Cinema!
Performances: Sushmita Sen has done amazing acting in the character of Kinnar. He has done and played this character well. Being a woman, playing this character is really commendable. Kritika Rao has also played the character of Gauri’s childhood in an excellent manner. The rest of the actors have also acted well.
Technicalities: Renowned director of Marathi cinema Ravi Jadhav has directed this series. He has made the series in such a way that its dignity remains. The way he has served the story, he really deserves praise.
Analysis: The way Sushmita Sen has lived her character makes this series more special. The story is also good, although the way the story progresses, the script seems to be lacking a bit. The story is good, and true too, but the way this series has shown Kinnar, it seems somewhere that it is not true. Because of this, it will be difficult to fill connected with the story. The series also progresses a bit slowly due to which the story becomes a bit dull. Instead of this series of six episodes, it would have been better if it was a two-hour film. After all, this series is good and Sushmita Sen’s acting is enough to watch.
Verdict: The facts surrounding the Gauri Sawant case are well-known. Taali works to dispel myths that have prevented society from treating third-gender people with the respect they are due as citizens of a free nation and to increase knowledge of third-gender aims. However, it falls flat due to its pacing and lack of brutal execution.
Despite the series’ six half-hour episodes, Gauri’s journey is not sufficiently portrayed in the narrative. Nowhere does it stop to consider the grief, suffering, and humiliation Gauri goes through.