Vasu, widely known as “Halwa Vasu,” was a renowned comedian in the Tamil film industry in India, and he had a prolific career spanning around 900 films. Originally from the Madurai district, Vasu relocated to Chennai after completing his graduation, aspiring to work in the world of cinema. He started his journey as an assistant to director-actor Manivannan, eventually establishing himself as a prominent comedian in the industry. He often shared the screen with notable comedians like Vadivelu and gained fame for his humorous roles.
Vasu earned the moniker “Halwa Vasu” following his appearance in the film “Amaidhi Padai” (1994). In the movie, his character brings a box of halwa that has been adulterated with abin, a drug, which plays a crucial role in the plot, involving the antagonist’s heinous actions against an innocent girl. Sadly, Vasu passed away on 17 August 2017 due to liver failure, following a period of hospitalization. His contributions to Tamil cinema and his comedic talents left a lasting impact on the industry and its audiences.
Name | Halwa Vasu |
Date of Birth | 01/01/1960 |
Date of Death | 17/08/2017 |
Birth Place | Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India |
Current Residence | Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India |
Religion | Hindu |
Nationality | Indian |
Height | 169 CM |
Spouse | Amutha |
Debut Movies | |
Language | Movie Name |
Tamil | Vaazhkai Chakkaram |
Awards List | ||||
Year | Award | Category | Movie Name |