Aaman Devgan is all set to make his grand Bollywood debut with the period drama Azaad, alongside another debutant, Rasha Thadani, who is the daughter of actress Raveena Tandon and producer Anil Thadani. The movie also stars Aaman’s superstar uncle, Ajay Devgn. Helmed by Abhishek Kapoor, Azaad is slated to release on January 17.
While Aaman is supercharged and excited about his debut in a film that also stars his uncle, he recently revealed how it felt working on the film. Aaman admitted that he was nervous and felt anxious about working with his uncle, Ajay Devgn.
During the trailer launch of the movie, Aaman confessed to getting nervous on the first day of the shoot and said, “When we first started shooting this film, I was very nervous. I am still nervous but it is also accompanied with a lot of excitement, happiness. This moment will stay with me forever. I was so nervous on the first day when I shot with him. I was not seeing the character. I was seeing Ajay Devgn.”
Let us tell you that Aaman is actor-producer Ajay Devgn’s nephew, son of his sister Neelam Devgan.
Talking about the Azaad, the period drama is set against the backdrop of pre-Independence India and revolves around a horse, who is loyal to a dacoit played by Ajay Devgn. Simultaneously, the movie also follows the journey of a 19-year-old, Govind, who accidentally gets this horse and forms a unique connection. The movie also features Diana Penty and Mohit Malik.