In a recent interview, Harsha Vardhan shared some interesting topics about his experiences working with Megastar Chiranjeevi. Harsha mentioned that during the filming of Vishwambhara, his third movie with Chiranjeevi, he noticed Raja Ravindra and comedian Praveen spending more time with the star. Harsha humorously said, “I stayed a bit away so as not to disturb them, and I enjoyed observing Chiranjeevi sir from a distance”.
Recalling their time on Stalin, Harsha shared a funny memory. Chiranjeevi once called him over to discuss a topic, which led to a conversation about actor’s costumes in the 90s. Back then, it was uncommon for actors to repeat costumes in films. However, Harsha revealed that Chiranjeevi had worn the same costume twice in one of his earlier films.
Harsha went on to narrate a fascinating story about connecting Chiranjeevi’s costumes to a particular scene. He recalled a black T-shirt with an eagle design worn by Chiranjeevi in the song Thalangu Dhintha from the movie Jwala. While discussing the topic, Harsha pointed out that this same T-shirt was used in Chinnari Chetana, a 3D Malayalam film dubbed in multiple languages, making it an early pan-Indian film.
Chiranjeevi From Thalangu Dhintha Song and The Chinnari Chetana Intro
Harsha explained that Chinnari Chetana included an educational segment where Chiranjeevi introduced 3D glasses to the audience. He cleverly deduced that the Thalangu Dhintha song was shot around the same time as the 3D glasses introduction scene, based on the matching costume. When Harsha asked Chiranjeevi about it, the actor was initially surprised and confessed he couldn’t remember. Harsha quipped, “Of course, sir, you’re Chiranjeevi, not his fan”!
This light-hearted interaction left Chiranjeevi laughing, and he was amazed at Harsha’s memory and ability to connect the dots.