Prabhas, the Pan-India star, has his fans eagerly anticipating his upcoming film, “Salaar,” set for release on December 22 and directed by Prashant Neel. Apart from this, Prabhas has busy in other projects like one directed by Maruthi and another by Nag Ashwin “Kalki.”
Additionally, talks have surfaced about a potential collaboration between Prabhas and director Hanu Raghavapudi for a film under Mythri Movie Makers’ production. It’s been reported that Hanu Raghavapudi is diligently working on the script for this upcoming project.
Recent discussions have centered around the choice of music director for the film, with indications pointing towards Vishal Chandrasekhar, known for his outstanding work in movies like “Sitaramam.” Prabhas appears to endorse this selection, acknowledging the excellent synergy between Hanu and Vishal in their past collaborations on films like “Padi Padi Leche Manasu” and “Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gadha,” which received positive responses for their music.
The potential pairing of Vishal Chandrasekhar as the music director for Prabhas’s film with Hanu Raghavapudi seems promising. Vishal, despite not having many high-profile opportunities, might greatly benefit from this association. The project aims to commence regular shooting next year.