Harish Shankar became close to 14 Reels Plus producers after their collaboration, Gaddalakonda Ganesh with Varun Tej, Pooja Hegde in lead roles. The producers think that the young director has much more to offer than just remakes and hence, they have asked him to come up with an original script, for their next. The director took his time to complete the script of Vedantham Raghavayya and pitched it to the producers. They loved it and when they wanted to know who will be perfect, Harish took Sunil Varma’s name.
They immediately pitched the idea to the actor and got his approval too. The successful director will find a good director for the project. It could be a web-series or a web movie say few sources but the production house could be coming up with a full fledged film. The production house announced the project but did not come up with complete details. Then did not even specify if it is a biopic on the famous director of TFI. He made films like ANR’s Devadasu, Anarkali, Bhale Ramudu, Annadata, Suvarna Sundari, Rahasyam, Chiranjeevulu and many more. It could be a fun filled role with the great director’s name. In any case, Harish Shankar has come up with an out and out entertainer, say sources. Let’s wait for futher details.
Ram and Gopi are more like friends and less like producers to me. Happy to be collaborating with @14ReelsPlus for #VedanthamRaghavayya.
Raghavayya ga marina maa mavayya @Mee_Sunil ku maa team ku mee devenalu eppudu untayani korukuntu…All the best to all of us 🙏🙏
— Harish Shankar .S (@harish2you) August 31, 2020