Mahesh Babu has opened up a lot these days and the actor can easily be called as the only star to give competition to Megastar Chiranjeevi in being active on social media, especially Twitter, during the lockdown.
Easily, Mahesh Babu will win the competition with the number of updates and Chiranjeevi will win the competition in posting emotional updates. Mahesh seems to have let his guard down in posting more emotional updates, lately.
He wished his son, Gautham on his 14th birthday in this fashion,
“Happy 14 my son!! Proud that you’re growing into a fine young man! From Doraemon to apex legends, growing with you has been quite the journey Wishing you the best birthday ever!! Love you #HappyBirthdayGG”
Happy 14 my son!! Proud that you're growing into a fine young man! From Doraemon to apex legends, growing with you has been quite the journey♥️♥️♥️ Wishing you the best birthday ever!!🤗🤗🤗 Love you 😘 😘