Paalin Kabak, an emerging talent in the Indian film industry, has made significant strides with notable roles alongside established stars. His debut in “Bhediya” earned him praise for his performance in this horror-comedy where the protagonist transforms into a werewolf, blending thrills with humor.
In “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” he starred in an action-packed entertainer featuring a dynamic duo who tackle crime and chaos with their contrasting personalities. His role in “Murder Mubarak” further showcased his versatility, involving a thrilling narrative of mystery and intrigue centered around a high-profile murder. Each of these films highlights Paalin Kabak’s growing influence and versatility in Indian cinema.
Name | Paalin Kabak |
Date of Birth | 31/12/1992 |
Religion | Hindu |
Nationality | Indian |
Height | 168 CM |
Hobbies | Travelling |
Educational Qualification | Graduate |
Debut Movies | |
Language | Movie Name |
Hindi | Bhediya |
Awards List | ||||
Year | Award | Category | Movie Name |