Actor Allu Arjun was arrested today by the Chikkadapally police in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede case, which led to the death of a woman named Revathi.
After undergoing medical tests at Gandhi Hospital, he was presented in Nampally Court, which sent him to 14 days of judicial custody.
Allu Arjun is now lodged in Chanchalguda jail. The case also includes charges against the management of Sandhya Theatre.
Icon Stars legal team plans to appeal the court’s decision in the Telangana High Court, but due to the weekend holidays, he will remain in jail until Monday. This development has left Arjun and his family in shock.
Chiranjeevi and other prominent members of the Tollywood community have gathered at Allu Aravind residence. Pawan Kalyan is also traveling to Hyderabad from Vijayawada in a special flight.