Young Tamil Actor Will Be Acting Alongside Lady Superstar Nayanthara

  • May 22, 2024 / 07:06 PM IST

The young Tamil actor Kavin is becoming increasingly popular among audiences.

His sweet romantic movie “Dada” was a big hit, winning hearts at the box office. His latest film, “Star,” received mixed reviews but still did well financially.

Kavin’s performance in “Star” was praised for its versatility. Now, there’s exciting news today Kavin will star alongside Lady Superstar Nayanthara in a movie directed by Vishnu Edavan.

This is a great opportunity for Kavin to work with a top actress. Vishnu Edavan, who previously assisted director Lokesh Kanagaraj, will helm the project.

The movie will be produced by Seven Screen Studio and will start filming once Kavin finishes his current projects.

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