Vedaant, the son of R Madhavan, is cruelly teased while learning to drive in a Porsche in Dubai.
Vedaant, the son of actor R Madhavan, is unquestionably one of the most well-liked star children. His remarkable swimming accomplishments, which include numerous medals on the national and international levels, have made all of us proud. His films and images frequently appear to go viral, and the most recent is no exception. Vedaant may be seen learning to drive in the now-viral video. The video, which was posted by the driving school Galadari Motor Driving Centre in Dubai, shows the accomplished swimmer and his instructor seated in a white Porsche.
The star child introduced himself in the video as Vedaant Madhavan and introduced himself as being at the Galadari Motor Driving Centre. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts. I recently passed the theory test, and I’m now learning to drive with my wonderful instructor. I am currently operating this incredible Porsche and am eager to obtain my driving permit.
Vedaant, who up until now has received generally good feedback for his accomplishments, has received conflicting responses to this video. The idea that R Madhavan’s son is learning to drive in a Porsche was a hot topic on social media. Learning to drive in a f****** Porsche (tear emoji)? Come on, wrote one Instagram user. “Okay, I learnt driving on what? Maruti 800, with the smiley face. “Maruti 800 left the chat,” was written in a third comment. He was referred to as “Timothee Chalamet from Shivajinagar” by one user.
Some well-wishers were also wishing him luck for obtaining his licence soon in the meanwhile. “Awesome.. keep growing,” one person commented. You’ll shortly receive your licence (love emoji).
Vedaant, who represented India and brought home medals from the Malaysia Invitational Age Group Swimming Championships earlier this year, has no desire to follow in his father’s footsteps and work in the motion picture industry. R Madhavan previously stated in an interview with The New Indian Express, “I am very happy that Vedaant is following his dream, he has a long way to go.”
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