Is Ileana hiding her marriage?

  • October 24, 2017 / 07:13 PM IST

Ileana is one of the most famous actresses in India. She is seen as the most precious beauty and these days, she decided to work in Hindi Films mostly. The actress however, seems to be head over heels in love with photographer Andrew from US and several times slipped up, calling him her Better Half.

Normally actresses will be highly careful to not let such stuff come out in public and they also maintain a profile of being single even if they are in a relationship. Only few stay open about their relationship and we can say Ileana is one. But recently, rumours have come out that she got married secretly to her boy friend and her slip ups in calling him names, are also lending to it.

Right now, Ileana is concentrating on improving her career prospects in Bollywood. Also, there are rumours of her being in an illegitimate affair with a senior hero. All these rumours needs to be put to the rest by the actress. In case, if she feels, that is not necessary then, we will also care less but we believe, rather than false news going out it is better if the actress states about her relationship in public to avoid bad PR.

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