The much anticipated film “Indian 2/Bharateeyudu 2,” featuring Kamal Haasan and directed by S Shankar, has been in production for over three years, causing significant delays. Recently, a glimpse video from the movie with a song by Anirudh was released, offering a glimpse into the sequel’s world. However, opinions about the video are mixed.
Speculation has emerged that the film’s final cut currently exceeds a whopping 4 hours, prompting discussions among insiders about potentially trimming an hour from the footage. This move could involve shooting additional scenes to create a third installment of the Bharateeyudu series.
This decision seems to be a blend of a strategic plan during the editing process and inspiration drawn from the existing footage. However, this approach raises concerns among distribution circles regarding the timeline and delivery of the subsequent parts. Shankar’s pace might prolong the production further, leaving uncertainties about the film “Game Changer” and its timeline in between the Bharateeyudu sequels.
The potential bifurcation of “Bharateeyudu 2” into two films aims to leverage the extensive content already shot while introducing a possible continuation of the storyline. Nevertheless, this strategy brings about logistical concerns and uncertainties about the release timelines for both the current and future installments of the franchise.