During the premiere of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre, a stampede occurred, leading to the tragic death of a woman and severe injuries to her son, Shri Tej who is still undergoing treatment.
Although Allu Arjun was arrested in connection with the case and later released on bail he has not visited the injured boy or his family.
Iconstar Arjun shared a statement on social media explaining his decision. He mentioned that legal advice had prevented him from visiting the family at this time.
“I am deeply concerned about young Shri Tej, who is receiving medical care after the unfortunate incident. Due to the ongoing legal proceedings, I have been advised not to visit them now”.
“My prayers are with them, and I remain committed to supporting their medical and family needs. I wish Shri Tej a speedy recovery and hope to meet him and his family soon,” he wrote.
I remain deeply concerned about young Shri Tej, who is under constant medical care after the unfortunate incident.
Due to the ongoing legal proceedings, I have been advised not to visit him and his family at this time
My prayers remain with them and I remain committed to… pic.twitter.com/M1raFvVJlS
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) December 15, 2024