Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde have stopped shooting for their film, Most Eligible Bachelor due to the pandemic. They had to just shoot for few days to complete the film. But the pandemic and lockdown has pushed their plans from March to September. Now, Pooja Hegde joined the shoot of the film on 17th September. She shared her pics, on the day.
On 18th September, Akhil joined the shoot and he, Pooja Hegde both decided to share same picture on their respective Instagram feeds. Akhil said that only he and Pooja are not wearing masks as they have to shoot for romantic scenes. Pooja added that the movie is a romantic comedy. Bommarillu Bhaskar is directing the film for Geetha Arts 2. Gopi Sundar is scoring music for the film. Movie could hit screens for December if Vakeel Saab is confirmed for Sankranthi.
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