Samyuktha Menon Is Making Her Bollywood Debut

  • May 25, 2024 / 08:26 PM IST

Most South Indian actresses aiming for success in Hindi cinema usually debut with a big Bollywood hero or a large scale PAN India film.

However, Samyuktha Menon is taking a different route by debuting in Bollywood with Kajol.

The film also stars Prabhudeva and Naseeruddin Shah. Telugu filmmaker Charan Tej Uppalapati is directing this action thriller marking his Bollywood debut.

The project boasts top tier technicians including GK Vishnu, the Director of Photography for Shah Rukh Khan’s “Jawan,” music director Harshavardhan Rameshwar and editor Navin Nooli.

Samyuktha Menon has already won the hearts of Telugu audiences with her impressive performances and is now ready to make her mark in Hindi cinema.

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