The highly-anticipated upcoming film featuring Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, directed by Surender Reddy and produced by Ram Talluri, has recently been surrounded by a cloud of uncertainty and rumors. Social media platforms, especially Twitter, became the breeding ground for speculations that director Surender Reddy was borrowing heavily from a foreign film for this project, causing quite a stir among fans and movie enthusiasts.
This controversy gained traction, especially due to Surender Reddy’s past projects, such as “Oosaravelli,” which was criticized for its resemblance to a foreign film, and “Dhruva,” which was an official remake. This fueled intense fan wars and online trolling, as fans were divided over the authenticity of the upcoming film’s storyline.
However, sources closely connected to the director and scriptwriter, Vakkantam Vamsi, have vehemently denied these claims. They insist that the film boasts an entirely original and meticulously conceptualized storyline, emphasizing that it has not even entered the pre-production phase, making these rumors premature and unnecessary.
In light of this, it’s crucial for fans and the general audience to exercise patience and withhold judgment until more concrete details about the film emerge. Premature speculations can often lead to unwarranted controversies, and it’s only fair to give the filmmakers the opportunity to unveil their vision for this exciting project.