Sudheer Babu’s “Harom Hara” Release Teaser Is Fantastic… 

Sudheer Babu recent movies “Hunt” and “Maama Mascheendra” did not do well at the box office. 

Now his new film, “Harom Hara,” is set to release tomorrow 

The team has started promoting the film and recently released a teaser. 

The teaser has an impressive background score by Chaitan Bharadwaj, 

The film has completed its censor process and got an A certificate due to its violent content.

The team is confident about the film and is holding a paid premiere today at AMB Cinemas in Hyderabad at 10:30 pm. 

“Harom Hara” is directed by Gnanasagar Dwaraka, his second film after “Sehari.” 

It is produced by Sumanth G Naidu under Sree Subramanyeshwara Cinemas.