Music Shop Murthy Movie Review & Rating! 

Ajay Ghosh and Chandini Chaudhary star in the movie ‘Music Shop Murthy’. 

The trailer has generated interest in the film. 

Let’s see if the movie lives up to the trailer’s promise. 

Story: Murthy (Ajay Ghosh) is a 53-year-old man who has been running a music shop in Vinukonda for 30 years. 

He has a wife, Jaya (Amani), and two daughters. 

Jaya doesn’t like him running the music shop and keeps telling him to open a cell phone shop 

Because it would earn more money. However, Murthy is passionate about music and can’t do anything else. 

One day, Murthy agrees to play music at his eldest daughter’s birthday party, where he receives much appreciation. 

Someone suggests he should learn to DJ, as it would be more profitable. 

When she accidentally breaks her DJ console, she takes it to Murthy for repair. 

Instead for money, Murthy asks her to teach him how to DJ.Jaya agrees to this, and Anjana starts training Murthy. 

They become friends, but their relationship is misunderstood by the villagers and their families. 

The story then revolves around whether they pursue their passion or give in to family pressures. 

To find out what happens, you need to watch ‘Music Shop Murthy’. 

Verdict: “Music Shop Murthy” has elements that appeal to both youth and family audiences 

Bottom Line: A must-watch movie for both families and youth. Rating: 3/5