Hidimbha Movie Review and Rating 

Hidimbha is a suspense thriller film directed by Aneel Kanneganti

The film has Ashwin and  Nandita Swetha in the lead roles

Story : Multiple girls go missing in Hyderabad and the pressure is building up on the cops

Story :  Further, a special  IPS officer  named Adhya(Nandita Swetha)  is appointed .  

A junior officer Abhay(Ashwin Babu)  is assigned to help  her out. 

The duo investigates  serial killings and  discovers a generous  tribe, Hidimbha, is  behind the crimes.

Performances : Nandita Swetha plays a strong cop role, but her impact is limited. 

A more popular and experienced actor would have made a significant difference. However, she excels in the climax,  making her a standout. 

A more popular and experienced actor would have made a significant difference. However, she excels in the climax,  making her a standout. 

Mark and Deshpande  portray a Hidimbha clan descendant, creating a  scary atmosphere.

Ashwin Babu's overacting  in the final part  negatively impacts the  film; a mature, subtle performance would have improved its impact.

Technicalities:  Makers reveal narrative essence after interval, but film's continuous execution fails  to achieve expected success. 

The movie excelled in cinematography, music, visual effects,  solid music, and sound design,  enhancing its impact. 

The film emphasizes production quality, with perfect editing and  dubbing. However, the screenplay could have  been improved in the  final part.

Analysis : Hidimbha is a  well-written film that introduces an ancient  tribe and showcases their human connection.

Analysis : Hidimbha is a  well-written film that introduces an ancient  tribe and showcases their human connection.

The crime is well-showcasing, with a  flashback episode and  the story of Hidimbha's killing. 

The film has decent action and visuals, but lacks  better narration in the key fifteen minutes. 

The film's intriguing  storyline and slow start make it enjoyable for the audience

An intense climax and  twist reveal could enhance the experience. Clear  narration and gripping  logic are essential. 

Verdict : Hidimbha is a suspense thriller with thrilling moments, but  jaded narration and rushed key climax. Recommended for diverse audiences.

Rating : 2.75/5