No More Midnight Shows in Telangana

  • May 23, 2024 / 06:00 PM IST

Several distributors in the Telangana region have stopped offering midnight and special show facilities, much to the chagrin of dedicated fans. This move resembles the previous attempts of Andhra Pradesh to ban such shows as authorities denied permission.

The timing of the decision still raises eyebrows, yet the fact remains that troubled theaters are now in search of a new lease on life. New releases did not attract audiences into theaters, and strategies concerning screenings have been reconsidered.

The thinking is that by restricting the show to four a day, bigger audiences will be attracted. This change is pivotal for theatrical survival, with exhibitors readjusting profit splits to strengthen their balance sheets.

Though the circumstances that led to the decision have not been clearly revealed, the coming big releases in Tollywood will reveal the effects on fans and producers. The industry’s ability to adapt to this latest crisis shall draw attention to how it will meet the needs of the audience as well as be profitable.

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