The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest, and the most successful franchise ever, in the history of world cinema, having made billions of dollars. It is considered a huge privilege to be a part of the universe, which is why the fact that one of Marvel’s famous writers praising RRR is a huge deal.
C Robert Cargill, the screenwriter for Marvel’s Doctor Strange, recently took to Twitter and said that he recently watched RRR and fell in love with the film. Sharing a poster of RRR on Twitter, he wrote “Friends came over last night to initiate me into the cult of RRR (RISE ROAR REVOLT) and I’m here to report I am now fully, truly, deeply a member. This is the craziest, most sincere, weirdest blockbuster I’ve ever seen. I’m pretty sure Jess and I are watching it again this week.”
This is not the first time a person from Hollywood has spoken about and praised RRR, as there have been many before him. It is great to see that Indian Cinema, Telugu cinema at that, is gaining much appreciation all over the world. RRR was released in March, and is directed by Rajamouli, while NTR and Ram Charan play the lead roles.
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