Nani has turned a producer once again with the film HIT that has Vishwak Sen as the hero. Read our review to find out if there is anything interesting this film has to offer us.

Story: Vikram played by Vishwak Sen is a cop who Deals things in his own way. A girl goes missing in the city and Vikram connects this case with his personal past. He starts investigating it and gets a shock of his life when his girlfriend Neha played by Ruhani Sharma gets kidnapped as well. Who is behind all this mess is the whole story of the film.

Performances: Vishwak Sen is seen in the role of a cop and he has done things well for himself. If guided well, he can go a long way as he has great potential. Ruhani Sharma looks good and she does well in her limited space.

Murali Sharma was wasted in his role but he was effective. Hari Teja overacted like there was no tomorrow. The other cast like Bhanu Chander also did well as a senior cop. The rest of the cast did well.

Vishwak Sen
Investigative scenes

Minus Points
Dull Climax
Lack of twists

Analysis: HIT is an investigative thriller from start to the end. While all the dots are connected well in the end without failing any logic, the journey to the end is very lengthy and Climax is not that effective. The crazy twists are missing in the end.

The film does not have many wow moments and the audience Do not thrillers completely. It keeps you hooked with a condition. The BGM and other technical factors have been handled well showing the crime with a lot of investigation.

There are some good moments that will draw your attention in the film like misleading of the case and good performances. The narration is serious and there is no scope for entertainment or romance in this film which makes it a select watch among the audience who love crime thrillers.

Rating: 2.5/5

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