Animal: The Box Office Beast Strikes Big

“Animal,” a compelling action drama featuring Ranbir Kapoor and directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has stormed the box office, though it lags significantly behind “Jawan” in its 13-day run. Despite facing criticism, “Animal” resonates with audiences as it delves into a troubled father-son relationship and the son’s quest for vengeance after his father’s assault.

In terms of box office numbers, “Jawan” has surged ahead, amassing a worldwide gross of 884 Cr, while “Pathaan” secured 832 Cr within the same timeframe. Comparatively, “Animal” garnered around 210 Cr globally. The primary reason for this gap is the overseas performance, where “Jawan” and “Pathaan” collectively raked in about 300 Cr, significantly surpassing “Animal’s” overseas earnings.

Shah Rukh Khan’s immense popularity in international markets significantly bolstered “Jawan’s” success. As a result, “Animal” faces a daunting task to catch up, making it seemingly impossible for the film to enter the coveted 1000Cr club.

However, it’s worth noting that “Animal” did achieve a significant milestone in the Indian box office despite its overseas lag. Animal movie captivates audiences with its intense storyline, it struggles to match the overseas box office dominance enjoyed by films like “Jawan” due to the colossal star power of Shah Rukh Khan.

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